About Kulan Commercial Co.

Kulan Commercial Company (KCC) is a Somalia based company established in 1998, which exports natural gums (Frankincense, boswellia-caterii, Myrrh resins, Haddi Gum and Hagar Gum) from the farms of all Somali regions where each gum trees are widely and exclusively grown.
We are a company that deals in the best grades of Somali Gums. We deal with all grades of gums available and grown in Somalia.

Harvest and Quality Control

Our Strict quality assurance makes you rest assured with customer satisfaction and delivering the right goods on the right promised time:

  • We provide a variety of products (gums) with different grades.
  • We give the facility of providing assorted products to our buyer.
  • Cleaning grading / Sorting as per buyer’s choice / requirement.
  • Highly Experienced in Myrrah- locally called “Malmal”, boswellia-frereannalocally called “Maydi” and boswelliacaterilocally called “Beeyo”products for decades .
  • Best prices as per international markets, CNF & FOB by air/ sea.
  • Provide free samples and photos from subjective lots as required.
  • Provide official company invitation letter and welcome you to Somali, Dubai or Oman for quality assurance.
  • Printing and packaging as per buyer’s choice.
  • Quick Shipment on time.


Myrrh gum

Guggul or Haggar Gum

Our Warehouse

We have a dedicated and suitable warehouse for product cleaning and storage.

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of Kulan Commercial Company is to be a hub for International commercial chain link and enable our partners to be major global players in the production, processing and marketing of natural resins.


Kulan Commercial Co(KCC) hopes to achieve it’s vision and mission through implementation of the following milestones:

  1. To generate information and develop databases on production, processing and marketing of gums and resins in order to enhance the participation of member organizations in international trade;
  2. To bring together the buyers and producers of gums and establish strong links among primary producers, processors and end users brokering terms agreeable to both parties;
  3. To promote exchange of information on market research findings, production, processing, quality control and marketing of natural gums and resins among producing countries and commercial partners.

"These guys have been open, honest, fair and flexible with us. I highly appreciate their services."

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